
Shir Sagie

Shir Sagie | Founder and visionary behind Gelicail

Shir Sagie’s journey into the world of Web4.0 is not just a career path—it is a mission driven by purpose. Inspired by Marshall McLuhan’s assertion that “the medium is the message,” Shir recognized the striking parallels between the issues plaguing today’s digital landscape and the broader social and economic challenges facing the world.


Owen SP Sanchez

Owen SP Sanchez | Senior Vice President – MNC (DIEZ Clients)
Brands & Reputation Management
Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority 

Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of diverse industries, Owen’s journey stands as a testament to strategic leadership, adaptability, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence. Her ability to seamlessly navigate the intricate tapestry of different sectors underscores her capacity to not only thrive but excel in the face of multifaceted challenges.